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A Private Christian School Engaging Hearts and Minds

Student Health Services

Health & Wellness

The mission of Silverdale’s Student Health Services is to provide the optimum healthcare for our students in a compassionate, confidential manner.  

Our nurses provide care for daily illnesses and accidents, assist students with their management of chronic health conditions, work with the Health and Safety Team to ensure preparedness for all health emergencies, and promote health and wellness.  

In an effort to enhance student learning, our nurses strive to increase student attendance and reduce early dismissals by alleviating minor health complaints that interfere with the student's performance.

  • Parents are reminded that Student Health Services is meant to handle first aid and emergencies and to provide care for students who become ill during the course of the day.
  • Silverdale has four automated external defibrillators (AEDs) on campus for emergencies.
  • If a student is injured or becomes ill during school hours, he/she must see the school nurse to be excused from classes or other school obligations.
Anne Widener
Director of Health Services & School Nurse


COVID Safety Precautions

Silverdale has a full-time nurse and nurse assistant on staff who also sees and treats students and employees.

We have a Crisis Management Team that is made up of members of our administration, our nurse, our Director of Safety, and others. This team works daily on the safety and security of this campus. Silverdale Baptist Academy has a Health and Safety Task Force that is made up of three members of our Crisis Management Team. This team deals specifically with, but not limited to, health issues and matters relating to COVID-19 and all other health-related matters related to our students and our employees. Silverdale has created in-depth policy and procedures relating to COVID-19 and its effects on our Academy. These policies and procedures address, but are not limited to, safety measures to help prevent the virus, procedures for in the event a student or staff member is suspected of contracting the virus while at school and also while off-campus. This COVID policy is in all our handbooks.

Medical Forms

All medical forms must be resubmitted at the beginning of every school year for each student. Medical forms can be found on your child's Magnus Health page within FACTS.


When a student becomes ill or injured at school, parents are contacted depending on the severity of the symptoms. 

In an effort to control the spread of sickness on campus, students should remain home if they are sick. A student may return to school once he/she is fever-free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication. A fever is 100.0 degrees or higher.


*If your child is sick, email nurse@silverdaleba.org AND attendance@silverdaleba.org.*

If your child presents with any COVID-related symptoms, your child must be cleared by a physician prior to return (doctor’s note must be sent to the school nurse at 423.892.2147 or emailed to awidener@silverdaleba.org).


All new students, Preschool, Kindergarten, and 7th-grade students are required to submit an updated Tennessee immunization record prior to the start of school. Immunization records must be uploaded to your child's Magnus Health account (via your FACTS account) prior to August 1st.


The Silverdale Baptist Academy school nurse or designated personnel will assist competent students who are required to take medication during the school day. Medication should be taken at home when possible.  If it is necessary for a medication to be given during school hours, a Medication Authorization Form in Magnus Health (via your FACTS account) must be completed and signed by the parent/guardian and medication must be in the original prescription bottle and properly labeled by the pharmacist.  A separate form is required for each medication and a new form must be completed at the beginning of every school year.  No medication will be administered to a student without a completed medication form on file.  The initial dose of a new medication must be given at home.  Students may not bring medications of any type to school except those that have a filed Medication Authorization Form All medications and a signed Medication Authorization Form must be checked in with the school nurse prior to administering medication. Emergency medications should be checked in with the school nurse. Students are not allowed to keep any type of medication on them, in their backpack or locker unless they have submitted written consent from a parent/guardian to the school nurse, and the school nurse approves.