Employment Opportunities
We believe that God has assembled a team that exceeds any we could have put together on our own. Our faculty and staff have the common goal of "partnering together with parents to raise children of character". James 3:1 says, "Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, knowing that as such we will incur a stricter judgment." We know that God calls us to a higher standard, and we rely on Him to continually help us rise to that standard.

Silverdale named a 2017+ Certified Best Christian Workplace by Best Christian Workplaces Institute
Certified status is based on the eight key benchmarks of BCWI’s “FLOURISH Model”: fantastic teams, life-giving work, outstanding talent, uplifting growth, rewarding compensation, inspirational leadership, sustainable strategy, and healthy communication.
If you have any questions, please contact Human Resources at 423-892-2319 ext. 2273 or via email: hr@silverdaleba.org