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A Private Christian School Engaging Hearts and Minds

Tools for Your Toolbox: Protecting Your Family from Pornography

By D. Titus Freuler, Silverdale Baptist Academy Dean of Students Contact Mr. Freuler

toolbox_kit_fix_1600_clr_6972If you are an avid do-it-yourselfer like myself, then you know that there is nothing like having the right tool for the job. I like to plan ahead by getting the necessary tools before I need them. When I visit Lowe's and Home Depot I stop by the clearance rack just in case a tool is on sale that I might need someday. There is no substitute for preparation.

It is with this in mind that I share with you several short articles that you may need either now or in the future on the topic of understanding the allure of pornography. Pornography is one tool that the enemy has unleashed on our culture with devastating results. It used to be that pornography was only available at seedy gas stations or adult book stores.  Our kids are growing up in a culture with seemingly unfettered access. You no longer have to look for it. Porn is available on demand in your home and on most electronic gadgets and games. Pornography now finds you.

You may be thinking that your family is OK because of the filters and blocks that are in place in your home. Every block and filter put in the line of defense will stop some of it from getting to our families, but not all. What about when you're not at home? At a friend or neighbor's house with different values? At the mall? This list could go on “ad nauseum”. If you haven't dealt with this at your house yet, statistically you will.

The following articles reveal pornography’s effect on the brain, the root cause and some practical ways to overcome it with the Word of God. Begin the conversation with your children. There is no substitute for preparation.

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