The “If” Capital Campaign for The Silverdale Center
If… If we prayed bold prayers. If we had the faith of a mustard seed. If we let our doubts turn into boldness. Could you imagine tomorrow? The "If" campaign is not about a building. It is about the continued commitment and enhanced ability to provide discipleship, excellence, and integrity in a Christ-like environment. The world is waging an all-out attack in order to win people’s hearts and minds and on many fronts, they are winning, including education. We can do more than just hope and pray it changes. This is the role of Christian education. We in Christian education believe it is our duty to come alongside public schools. Their efforts involve Christian students, teachers, and administrators, and we support them every chance we get. Now more than ever, we are here to be a light in this dark world. In Psalm 78: 4-8 NIV, the psalmist writes:
“We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, His power, and the wonders He has done. He decreed statutes for Jacob and established the law in Israel, which He commanded our forefathers to teach their children, so the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children. Then they would put their trust in God and would not forget his deeds but would keep His commands.”
Silverdale Baptist Academy, working together with the Christian home and the church, exists to fulfill these scriptural promises. We must continue to communicate God’s Truth in a message that is dynamic, positive, relevant, and rooted in biblical values. At Silverdale, we see everyone as image-bearers of Christ and therefore believe they possess great value and significance.
Silverdale Baptist Academy is at an exciting and important juncture. For the past 18 years, Silverdale has grown annually in enrollment. We have grown into a strong, vibrant community with over 1,050 students from Preschool through 12th grade. It is time to grow. It is time to offer our Fine Art students a place to call home. It is time to offer our athletes a tournament size gym. It is time. It is God’s time. This is our calling. Please join us in our efforts to make The Silverdale Center not only a reality to Silverdale Baptist Academy and Church, but also to the community.
IF...we all said YES!
Becky Hansard
Head of School
For complete information on our "If" Capital Campaign and the latest developments on The Silverdale Center, visit